
Both declarative and procedural knowledge are crucial in higher education. Adaptive retrieval practice is the best way to learn and assess fundamental facts. Since students at universities vary in proficiency and some facts are harder to retain, learning must adapt to the individual’s knowledge and capacity.
A magnifying glass offering solutions for university and school


How might we increase the classroom readiness of students and successfully relieve test stress?

  • Numerous fundamental facts for various subjects have to be mastered
  • Learners are expected to give the right answers quickly and accurately
  • Regularly repeating the testing of facts is needed
  • A better distribution of learning over the weeks in which courses are taught is important
  • Increasing the classroom readiness of students positively reduces the number of results
  • Applying scientific research ensures proven results that enhance the overall educational experience

Read our success stories

Front of the University of Groningen

University of Groningen

MemoryLab has been introduced in many universities today, including the University of Groningen. We closely collaborated with this University in the research and development of our model.

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Students studying in front of the Radboud University


We successfully integrated our application into the Brightspace environment at Radboud University through an LTI connection.

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Nathan McCabe

International Partnership Coordinator

Interested in collaborating with us?

Reach out to our dedicated partners for school and publishers partnerships. We are looking forward to help you.

Saar Speijers

Partnership & Operations Manager

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Saar Speijers

Partnership & Operations Manager​

Nathan McCabe

International Partnership Coordinator

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