
What is the capital of India? The answer to 7 times 7? Strong declarative knowledge, from language learning to mathematics, is key to educational success. As not all facts are equally challenging and students vary in their proficiency, optimal learning should adapt to each learner’s needs. MemoryLab’s adaptive system predicts how well facts are retained by students and determines when repetition is necessary for effective learning.

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A magnifying glass offering solutions for students


How might we allow you to learn facts at your own pace and achieve maximum learning gains

  • Numerous fundamental facts for various subjects have to be mastered
  • You are expected to give the right answers quickly and accurately
  • Regularly repeating the testing of facts is needed
  • Spaced repetition helps you remember things better in the long run
  • Optimal learning needs to adapt to the knowledge and capacities of each learner
  • Deeper insights into the personal learning process greatly increases your motivation

Read our success stories

Front of the University of Groningen

University of Groningen

MemoryLab has been introduced in many universities today, including the University of Groningen. We closely collaborated with this University in the research and development of our model.

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A screenshot from the homepage application Times Tables by MemoryLab

Times Tables by MemoryLab

MemoryLab developed the Times Tables application to help learners master multiplication tables quickly and accurately. We collaborated with multiple schools during its creation, ensuring both usability and effectiveness.

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Nathan McCabe

International Partnership Coordinator

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Reach out to our dedicated partners for school and publishers partnerships. We are looking forward to help you.

Saar Speijers

Partnership & Operations Manager

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Saar Speijers

Partnership & Operations Manager​

Nathan McCabe

International Partnership Coordinator

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