EdTech solution Provider

MemoryLab offers a flexible solution by allowing the integration of our algorithm into your own online learning environment. This integration is facilitated through an API connection, enabling seamless communication and optimisation of learning based on user responses.
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How might we improve foundational learning by applying a research-driven approach?

  • There is a huge EdTech offering, which learners and lecturers aren’t t yet able to use optimally
  • There needs to be focus on developing sustainable adoption and thoughtful use of EdTech
  • Optimal learning needs to adapt to the knowledge and capacities of the learner
  • Greater insight into the individual learning process supports inclusive learning
  • Applying scientific research ensures proven results that enhance the overall educational experience

Read our success stories

Students studying with an adaptive learning system


MemoryLab, together with Enatom, UMCG, and Amsterdam UMC, is innovating anatomy education through effective medical training.

Read more

What other have to say about us

Interested in collaborating with us?

Reach out to our dedicated partners for school and publishers partnerships. We are looking forward to help you.

Nathan McCabe

International Partnership Coordinator

Interested in collaborating with us?

Reach out to our dedicated partners for school and publishers partnerships. We are looking forward to help you.

Saar Speijers

Partnership & Operations Manager

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Saar Speijers

Partnership & Operations Manager​

Nathan McCabe

International Partnership Coordinator

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