Ghent University
In Ghent, MemoryLab is used, among other things, for learning concepts for the profession Introduction to Cognitive Psychology. Although MemoryLab is used on a voluntary basis in Ghent, almost half of the students use the system to prepare for lectures and exams.
MemoryLab is able to measure the individual learning process of the students: the memory parameters, estimated for each student, corresponded to the final marks on the exam of the 2021/2022 academic year. In addition, the use of MemoryLab was predictive of the exam grade for the course. Students who used MemoryLab as support during the course scored higher on average on the exam than students who did not use MemoryLab.
Students who used MemoryLab scored on average a higher final mark on the exam than students who did not use MemoryLab.