Rekenen in het MBO

Leelring die met moeite wiskundige sommen probeert op te lossen

Iedere MBO’er zelfregulerend, gepersonaliseerd en duurzaam leren rekenen. Motivatie en doelstellingen Er is een neerwaartse trend in de rekenvaardigheden van Nederlandse jongeren. Onderzoek toont aan dat steeds meer jongeren moeite hebben met basisvaardigheden, waaronder rekenen. Deze daling heeft geleid tot de invoering van vernieuwde rekeneisen in het MBO, waarbij het cijfer voor rekenen meetelt in […]

Optimizing vocabulary learning: The Impact of MemoryLab’s ‘Quick Skip’ algorithm

Adaptive learning systems are designed to tailor learning experiences to the personal needs of each student. These systems can track and predict student performance, and based on this data, develop personalized repetition schedules of to-be learned material. This can enhance the retention of declarative knowledge, such as vocabulary or toponymy (Lindsey et al., 2014; Papousek […]

Adaptief Leren als Alternatief voor Toetsing op het VO

Ontwikkeling van een adaptief leersysteem voor feitelijke kennis dat in meerdere vakken in het voortgezet onderwijs (VO) inzetbaar is, dat aan te passen is aan de wensen van docent en de leerdoelen van de school, én de kennistoetsen van die vakken kan vervangen.

MemoryLab’s new Model-Based Mastery algorithm helps students learn faster

Chart showing trials to reach mastery are lower Model-based mastery compared to optimal spacing

Adaptive learning systems can redefine learning experiences by shaping education to individual needs, optimizing student performance. Within this landscape, MemoryLab has recently introduced the Model-Based Mastery (MBM) algorithm, which strategically excludes sufficiently studied facts from repetition schedules, increasing learning efficiency. In this blog post I delve into our comparative analysis of the MBM algorithm versus […]

Building TafelTrainer #2: Classroom pilot

Empty classroom

Engaging in usability testing with younger users demands a careful and considerate approach, especially when working with children. The primary goal of usability testing is to have users interact with your product, allowing close observation of their navigation through a set of tasks. In this way you can test the functionality of your product. In […]

Effective Study Strategies #2: Taking advantage of testing and spacing effects

Student making notes

In the preceding blog post we shed light on common pitfalls for students while studying. It became evident that relying on last-minute cramming for an upcoming exam is suboptimal. Instead, effective time management and finding a suitable study environment are essential components of successful studying. This brings us to the next step of our guide […]

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